Off the Bench: A New Youth Sports Facility in Cortez Empowering Young Athletes

By Denise Leslie

Matthew Betts, a lifelong resident of Cortez, Colorado, has always been passionate about youth sports. With 18 years of coaching experience, from tee ball to varsity baseball, he saw a clear need in his community for a dedicated space where young athletes could train year-round. He turned this vision into reality two months ago, opening a youth sports facility at 1 East Main Street, Cortez, Colorado. His facility caters to underserved communities and offers training in various sports, including baseball, softball, volleyball, basketball, soccer, and wrestling.

Matthew’s dream of opening a sports facility had been with him for many years. He says, ” I have been working on a sports facility in Cortez focused on the youth. This dream has been with me for many years.” Initially, the idea was to build a batting cage, but as he explored the needs of the Montezuma County youth, he realized there was a broader opportunity. The county didn’t have a facility prioritizing youth and their athletic pursuits, so he created something much bigger instead of just a batting cage.

Along the way, Matthew encountered his fair share of challenges. “This journey has had some bumps, turns, and mountains, but we closed in on it,” he reflects. One of the ongoing hurdles has been getting the word out to parents and helping them see the benefits of consistent training and physical activity. Matthew is committed to making his vision known and showing families how important it is for young athletes to have a space to train and grow in their sports.

Matthew and his wife, Taylor Betts, have officially named the facility Off the Bench LLC. “Taylor Betts and I have created Off the Bench LLC. OTB will work with young athletes to hone their skills in their athletic endeavors,” he shares. The facility will offer upcoming clinics focusing on hitting, fielding, and other core sports skills and at-home training videos for the off-season.

Matthew’s path to opening Off the Bench was not something he did alone. The Southwest Colorado Small Business Development Center (SBDC) was crucial in guiding him through the process. “Without the guidance from SBDC, I would never have been able to open the doors,” Matthew acknowledges. The SBDC provided support every step of the way, from developing his business plan to helping him navigate the complexities of starting and sustaining a business. Now, Off the Bench LLC is positioned as a cornerstone for youth athletic development in Cortez, giving local children and teens a place to develop their skills, stay active, and have fun. With a focus on community and youth development, Matthew Betts and his facility are poised to make a lasting impact on the athletic landscape in Montezuma County.

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