Pilates Connection

By Malia Durbano

Kim Moriyama opened the Pilates Connection in 2002. She envisions her business as a vehicle to make a positive difference in peoples’ lives and is so grateful for the instructors who work with her that are passionate about doing that.

In 2013, Kim met with advisor Joe Bishop who, “Was an awesome sounding board and helped me with revisioning to make the studio vital and dynamic.” She implemented the ideas they came up with and “Put together a pay structure that rewards instructors who are passionate about sharing what they love to teach.”

Joe Bishop encouraged her to look at the business from the perspective of her employees and to create systems to help them be the best they can be. Also looking at the business from the perspective of the owner, Moriyama was able to clarify the personal values she would like the business to reflect in the world.

Moriyama explains, “Working with Joe Bishop was very empowering.” He helped her transform the business from something that was somewhat mechanical to create systems that embody the values they share as a team and that now permeate everything they do. “We now understand the different roles people play on the team. I also better understand what my role is as the business owner and leader of the team.”

Further work with Joe Keck provided deeper clarity on her vision and how the business serves the staff, the clients and the community and herself as the owner.

Following the recent Women’s Small Business Conference, Moriyama consulted with advisor Terryl Peterson regarding the financial aspects of the business such as the compensation model and ways to incentivize the employees. “Terryl was really great at listening and asking key questions. She provided great resources based on where I was in that moment and helped me create a thriving environment for my instructors, which in turn makes the whole business thrive!”

Moriyama is grateful for the on-going coaching and regular check-ins with the advisors. “My studio has started to flourish in a whole new way.”

Cafe Au Play

Kelly Tregillus and her mother-in-law, Liza Tregillus, are the co-founders of Durango Café au Play (DCAP). DCAP is a non-profit organization (NPO) that offers co-working space and childcare for new and expecting parents in a family friendly ‘café’ environment. Parents with young children are provided a space to work, socialize and attend parenting classes. DCAP provides a support system for moms and dads who feel disconnected and isolated at home. Kelly relocated from San Francisco

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Sticks and Stones

While Tim and Micki Hassemer waited for the perfect retail location on Main Ave. to become available, they were lucky enough to secure retail space at the entrance to Four Leaves Winery. During the one-and-a-half years they occupied that space, they met with former SBDC Executive Director, Joe Keck numerous times. The couple moved here from Los Angeles and Tim chuckles, “It’s a little different here. We had to learn the rules and requirements for

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Pagosa Mountain Sports: Go Find Your Adventure

A community outdoor shop with a heavy focus on bikes. Doesn’t that sound like a dream? Jake and Janine Emmets, Amanda Gadomski, and Coquette Collins all thought so. So, in 2015, they launched Pagosa Mountain Sports in a tiny house in Downtown Pagosa Springs. And for the past seven years, their business has continued to grow. They sell and provide rentals of stand-up paddle boards, skis, snowshoes, and of course, bikes. They also carry supplies

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KB Insurance Group

Ken Brengle is the owner of KB Insurance Group, headquartered in Cortez, CO.  He studied business at Fort Lewis College.  Outside of class, Ken did a lot of self study and sold cell phones at a local store.  He was inspired by his business professors who became successful and moved to Durango for a better quality of life.  Ken learned he was a good salesman, and with a sufficient income he thought, “Why should I pay thousands of dollars

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Out West Saddlery

By Malia Durbano Out West Saddlery owner Terri Beecher knew advisor Rich Lindblad since they both live in Pagosa. She contacted him for some advice.While most businesses contact the SBDC for help with getting started or growing, Terri had a different problem. After several visits, Rich concluded that the business had great potential for growth. However, Terri explained what a hard time they had finding good help. She and her husband had built a wonderful,

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High Desert Conservation District

The High Desert Conservation District is one of 76 special Districts throughout Colorado formed for specific purposes. Started in 1942 as the Dolores Soil Conservation District, the name was recently changed. “Our name didn’t accurately describe the area we serve and was very confusing to the public,” explains District Manager, Judy Garrigues. Garrigues explained how the SBDC assisted in the name change. “We do not just serve Dolores and we oversee more than just soil.

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